Little Moon Animation is an award winning CG animation studio dedicated to creating compelling projects full of character and imaginative story.

Founded in 2019, we have quickly established ourselves as an industry leader in innovation and creativity, disrupting traditional approaches to animation production.

Located in Dublin, Ireland, as one of the first studios in Europe to produce a broadcast CG animated series using Unreal Engine, we’re at the forefront of using real-time pipelines and technology. Our studio is renowned for producing high-quality, engaging content for kids and families that resonates on both broadcast and digital platforms.

At Little Moon, we’re not just creating animation; we’re happily crafting the future of entertainment meeting audiences where they are.

Meet The Executive Team


Vanessa Robinson, Co-Founder & CEO

Eoghan Garvey, Co-Founder & CCO

David McCamley, Creative Director

Lisa O’Connor, Development Producer